Bellaire Boulevard Safety Study and Reconstruction
Harris County, Texas
Ardurra was contracted by Harris County to conduct a traffic safety study along Bellaire Blvd. from Tres Lagunas to Marchiana. Ardurra analyzed existing accident data, collected new data, and performed field investigation efforts for operations and capacity concerns including safety, mobility, and visibility.
Ardurra developed three options with recommended improvements along the boulevard designed to reduce accidents and mitigate problem conditions.
Ardurra prepared budgetary cost estimates and technical reports and coordinated with Harris County and TxDOT to conduct the study.
The recommended improvements used access management techniques to control traffic in and out of driveways serving businesses, mitigate existing safety issues, and utilize geometric configurations of through lanes, left turns, and median openings along Bellaire Blvd. that would be capable of handling traffic movements in a safe manner.
Ardurra also performed the capacity and accident analyses for the section of Bellaire Blvd. east and west of SH 6 to improve the level of service and safety within the study limits.
Ardurra provided design services for the reconstruction of Bellaire Blvd. Services include paving and drainage plans, signing and pavement marking plans, traffic signal plans, traffic control plans, storm water pollution prevention plans, storm water quality management documents, and bidding and construction documents. The project cost was $2.2 million. This project was bid and constructed by TxDOT under Category 5 funding. The project had to be designed to TxDOT standards to qualify for the CMAQ funding.