Infrastructure plays a vital role in our nation’s economic growth. Ardurra’s Transportation team offers design capabilities ranging from complex multilevel interchanges to urban arterial reconstruction to complete streets for our clients. We also provide specialized experience in various types of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and systems integration including computerized traffic signal system, street, light rail transit, advanced traffic management system and automated travel information systems. We are the only firm with an in-house traffic signal lab to test and evaluate traffic signal equipment before deployed in the field. Our portfolio features a plethora of signature projects including the I-395 Signature Bridge reconstruction project in Downtown Miami. Each of our designs is customized, sustainable, and cost-effective for our clients covering all project types, including Design Build or Design Bid Build. Our clients have relied on our expertise in comprehensive planning, engineering design, and construction management to provide safe and efficient transportation solutions.


What we do
Alternative Delivery and Value Engineering
Minor, Major/Complex Roadway, and Interchange Design
Major Bridge Design Services
Transportation Planning, Project Development and Environmental (PD&E) Studies and Schematic Design
Technology/Intelligent Transportation Systems Design
Intersection Improvements and Safety Enhancements
Multimodal Planning and Design
Roadway Construction Management and Inspection
Signing, Pavement Markings, Channelization, and Traffic Signal Design
Stormwater Management Systems Design (Hydrology/Hydraulic Analysis and Design of Open/Closed Conveyance Systems)
Environmental Permitting and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Design (SW3P)
Utility Coordination
Temporary traffic Control