I-210 Soundwalls City of La Canada Flintridge, CA
La Canada Flintridge, CA
Ardurra provided project approval (PA) documents, environmental documents (ED), and PS&E engineering design and support services for the design of eight (8) separate sound walls along the I-210 freeway. The project included alternative cost analyses that generated significant time and cost savings by realigning and straightening the walls. During the PA review period significant coordination and time was spent with Caltrans. PA documents included APS bridges, supplemental project report, plan layouts, and cost estimating for alternatives. ED’s included revisiting several reports completed for the 2007 NBSSR, an ADL report was completed for the ISA, a detailed tree report including proposed tree removal and planting plans was completed for the NESMI, a cultural and historical report, and noise and AQ/GHG memos were prepared.
Due to the number of trees being removed and as a condition of the approval of the NESMI, a bird survey was completed during the months of March and April. The PS&E were completed using Caltrans guidelines for 60% unchecked plans, 95% QC PS&E, and 100% PS&E submittals. As part of the project PAED and PS&E phases, significant coordination with Caltrans, the City of La Cañada Flintridge, stakeholders, and the design team was completed to make sure all projects remained on aggressive schedules due to funding deadlines.