Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Program
Ardurra serves as the program manager for this $2.3B U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Program to reduce flooding from a 10-year rainfall. This program is a cooperative effort between Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish (non-federal sponsors) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District. The Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish programs include 79 construction projects with $695M of ongoing construction. The Jefferson Parish program features 10,200 cfs while the Orleans Parish program features 3,650 cfs of increased drainage capacity. Both programs include construction of new drainage pump stations and existing pump station expansions, canal widenings, concrete flumes, concrete box culverts, and bridges. The Orleans Parish program features 3,650 cfs of increased drainage capacity via construction of new drainage pump stations and existing pump station expansions, canal widening, concrete flumes, concrete box culverts, and bridges.