I-95 Express Lanes Design-Build Phase 3C
Miami, FL
The I-95 Express Lanes Design-Build Phase 3C from Stirling Rd. to Broward Blvd. Project is part of a regional network of express lanes that will provide a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation alternative to drivers traveling throughout South Florida to improve mobility, relieve congestion, provide additional travel options, enhance transit services, accommodate future growth and development in the region, enhance emergency evacuation, and improve system connectivity between key limited access facilities in South Florida. This $450M construction valued project phase is approximately 9 miles along I-95 and includes approximately 2 miles of I-595.
Ardurra’s staff will be working with BCC Engineering (under the Archer Western – de Moya Group JV) and will be responsible for roadway, drainage, and TCP plans for the I-595 segment as well as TCP plans for I-95 from south of the I-595 interchange to the northern project limits. We will also be doing structural design and bridge hydraulics reports for the bridge widenings of I-95 over the C-10 Canal, C-10 Spur Canal, and Dania Cut-Off Canal.