Houston Intelligent Transportation Systems
Houston, Texas
Houston Intelligent Transportation Systems (HITS) is a federally funded infrastructure development project in the City of Houston, Texas, designed to monitor and manage arterial traffic efficiently. It includes installing 91 Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), 113 Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, 144 mid-block Radar traffic count stations, 489 enhanced traffic detection at intersections, and wireless (WiMAX) communication systems on approximately 150 arterial corridors, in 16 zones, throughout Houston. Information collected with these devices will be directed to Houston TranStar, partner agencies, and first responders when an incident is detected. Information regarding travel times and alternative routes will be provided to the public via Houston TranStar’s website (houstontranstar.org) and by DMS positioned on arterials at strategic locations.
The goals of the project are:
1. Allow traffic management staff to detect and respond to congestion and incidents in real-time.
2. Provide real-time traveler information to the public, partner agencies, and media outlets for analysis, planning, and announcements.
3. Reduce travel delay and emissions. Improve capacity, accessibility, and travel time reliability.
4. Enable traffic management staff to optimize signal operations by customizing timing plans for varying traffic demands.
5. Allow maintenance staff to identify, assess, and respond quicker to equipment failures.