METRO Hot Lane Program
Houston, Texas
As part of the HOT Lane Program Management Team, Ardurra conducted feasibility studies related to expanding the single lane reversible High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane System into a multi-lane High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane system along Southwest Freeway, Eastex Freeway, North Freeway and Gulf Freeway. Options studied include one lane each direction, two lane reversible, and two lanes each direction. Ardurra gathered existing traffic data for all the access points along the HOV Lane system and performed travel demand modeling for years 2015 and 2030.
Ardurra projected traffic data for the proposed HOT lanes using existing traffic data and travel demand data from years 2015 and 2030. The scope also included cost-benefit ratio comparison analysis to identify the most favorable option to implement, as well as development of conceptual layouts for the recommended option. Other tasks included assisting METRO in procuring the design/builder for conversion of the existing reversible HOV lane to a reversible HOT lane, overseeing the design/builder’s design, construction and integration of the HOT Lane system.
