METRO North Inter-Modal Terminal
Houston, Texas
Ardurra provided the feasibility studies for a transit-oriented development referred to as the North Inter-Modal Terminal.
As METRO consultants, Ardurra collected data, analyzed and made recommendations to assure high density traffic flow and effective use of the transportation systems projected to be housed in the new terminal. Ardurra addressed everything from carpool/HOV lane management to circulation routes and new access roadways and made recommendations for the traffic growth projections of the facilities through 2025 which included additional space for parking, retail shopping, new transportation facilities, 2 million square feet of office space and 2,000 residential housing units.
Ardurra staff also served as consultants for the METRO solutions program, addressing the inter connectivity of that program with the proposed inter-modal terminal. METRO’s plan was to provide new light rail and rapid bus transit services and the inter-modal terminal to serve as a hub for that new activity.
METRO wanted to include potential commuter rail, commercial rail, light rail, bus limousine and taxi services. Ardurra worked to ensure that the planned terminal was adaptable to new and changing services as they were integrated.