New Lake Hartwell Water Treatment Plant
Fair Play, South Carolina
Ardurra planned, designed, permitted, and provided construction administration and resident services on a 3.0 MGD grassroots membrane water treatment plant, a 5.0 MGD raw water intake, and a 10,000-foot long raw water transmission main. This new state-of-the-art water treatment facility pretreats raw water from Lake Hartwell using chemical addition, rapid mixing, flocculation, and high-rate sedimentation flowed by membrane microfiltration. Disinfection is accomplished using 0.8% hypochlorite generated on site. The WTP is controlled using a PLC-based distributed plant control system. The raw water intake was constructed using the sinking caisson method, and the 520-foot-long intake line was installed utilizing horizontal directional drilling.
- Financial feasibility study to evaluate purchasing wholesale water versus treating water, and site selection study
- Water treatment study to identify optimum treatment options
- Raw water quality study with long-term sampling and analysis to characterize the source water quality
- Membrane Pilot study using pressurized membranes
- Extensive permitting activities with USACE and SCDHEC
- Final design of a grassroots membrane filtration water treatment facility with an initial capacity of 2.5 MGD expandable to 5.0 MGD
- Design of 5.0 MGD raw water intake and pump station, pretreatment system, membrane filtration system, 1.0 MG finished water storage tank, finished water pump station, chemical feed systems
- Design of a 13,000-square-foot building to house the membranes, chemical feed systems, and finished water pumping system