Northwest Transit Center (NWTC) Reconfiguration
Houston, Texas
Ardurra is currently playing a key role on the Northwest Transit Center Reconfiguration project undertaken by METRO to redesign and expand the current facility.
This expansion includes bays for both the expanded local bus connections,
Uptown bus rapid transit (BRT) bus bays, accommodation for Park & Ride bus transfers and improved mobility for HOV traffic.
The design will incorporate the principles of universal design, parking expansion, improved pedestrian and bike access, safety, illumination, aesthetics. Scope of services for the design phase include site plan alternatives evaluation, preparing N. Post Oak Road (with BRT lanes) and proposed shared use path plans, signing and pavement marking, illumination and electrical, traffic & ITS, surveillance, communication and control, design concept Workshops, roadway plans for N. Post Oak Road, cost estimating, construction phasing. This program requires extensive coordination with HGAC, METRO, TXDOT, and City of Houston.
Scope includes:- Site Access and Traffic Evaluation
- HOV/General Traffic Access and Mobility
- Roadway design and drainage evaluation
- Pedestrian and Bike Access/Shared Use Path Design
- HOV/General Traffic Access and Mobility
- Signing and Pavement Marking
- Traffic Control Plans
- Universal Design Principles
- Illumination, Electrical, SC &C
- Multiple agency coordination
- Design Concept Workshops
Ardurra is responsible for development of concepts, transit center layout, traffic impact study, site circulation, traffic signal modification, HOV connector modifications, surveillance, communications and control (SC&C), construction traffic control and agency coordination.