City of Corpus Christi O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant
Corpus Christi, TX
This project comprised site evaluation, hydraulic modeling and design of High Service Pump Station No. 3 (HS 3) to replace High Service Pump Station No. 1 (HS 1) at the O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant (ONSWTP). The design includes a 97 MGD high service pump station with 72-inch suction piping to clear wells and 60-inch discharge piping to distribution system transmission mains as well as upgrades to High Service Pump Station No. 2 (HS 2) pumps and discharge valves, and 2 MW alternate power expansion. The implementation of HS 3 will not only replace HS 1 but will also increase the ONSWTP high service pumping capacity to 177.6 MGD. The 177.6 MGD pumping capacity is required to satisfy the TCEQ approved Alternative Capacity Requirement (ACR) Exception granted to the City. In addition, HS 3 will have the ability to upgrade in capacity as demands increase in the future.
This project has the following relevant design elements: pump design, pump house design, generator expansion, rehab of high service pumps, valves, and motor management relays, SCADA system upgrades, pump station automation and clearwell repairs. Hydraulic modeling, Electrical Engineering, I&C Engineering, Structural Engineering, Site/Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, SUE, Topographic Surveying, Cost Estimating, SCADA, and Start-Up and Commissioning was also included.