Site Feasibility and Design of Bus Shelters
Houston, Texas
Ardurra provided, as a subconsultant to Huitt-Zollars, Inc., civil engineering services related to the development of bus shelters at various new locations for the Houston METRO Bus Shelter Program. The ultimate goal of the project was to improve service and ridership.
Ardurra conducted 100+ site visits to evaluate and determine feasibility for construction of Passenger Shelter Slab System for a Type I, II, IV, V and Midtown Shelter per METRO standards, also evaluating improvements for accessibility to the bus shelter site including curbs, ramps, and sidewalks. Ardurra then prepared 75 bus shelter plan sets for approval for sites deemed acceptable for improvement.
Services included:
- Review of topographic surveys of project sites. Surveys include right-of-way (ROW) locations in relation to the roadway, existence of public and private utilities, existing conditions, locations and elevation of topographic features, speed limit, direction of traffic, street ROW width, street name, curb to curb width, presence or absence of traffic signals, stop signs, yield signs, wheel chair ramps, etc. and other features.
- Preparing site plans for 75 bus shelter locations to scale. Site plans included geometry/configuration of slab system, sidewalk, curb ramps, retaining walls, culverts, utility info, flood zone info, typical cross sections, proposed quantities of construction contract items, evaluation of existing drainage features, etc.
- Preparing traffic control plans
- Submitting plan sets for review of the design drawings by a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS) with Texas Department of Regulation (TDLR)
- Submitting plan sets with permit application to TxDOT for permit review and approval as applicable
- Delivering approved, signed, and sealed plan sets to METRO for construction