Clearwater Memorial Causeway Subaqueous Pipeline
Clearwater, FL
Ardurra performed surveying and engineering design services for a 2,500 LF replacement force main across Clearwater Harbor and 2,700 LF new 20-inch pipeline across the Intracoastal Waterway in Clearwater. Services included topographic surveying via conventional ground survey and water bottom utilizing bathymetry. Other survey features included invert elevations and pipe sizes on manholes; storm drains and other accessible structures according to the requirements of OSHA regulations; utility locates; above ground features; ROW monumentation along the route; cross-sectioning the Intracoastal Waterway bottom at 50-foot intervals; establishment of Mean High Water (MHW) line elevation; specific purpose jurisdictional survey for the wetland/surface water and MHW lines; sketch and legal; locating land-based geotechnical test borings.